Our Community is here for you!
Wanna chat or get support?
If you're not yet familiar with Discord, don't worry!
To get started, simply:
- Create a Discord account
- Join our server "Upbeater Freelancers"
- Join the channels you're interested in👇
- Connect-with-others - say hi, meet and connect with other freelancers
- Open-chat - chat about anything that's on your freelance-mind
- Tips-and-inspo - get tips & inspirations from others and share your own recommendations with the community
- Job-sharing - find jobs shared by the community
- Questions - ask any freelance related questions you have
- Mastermind - set weekly check-ins to share and help each other reach our goals
- This-for-that - for when you want to exchange or swap services
- Ai-chat - to help you stay on top of the AI game as a freelancer
Looking for Tips & Inspiration?
Tips from the community:
How to get the most out of using LinkedIn:
- Use LinkedIn to build your personal brand
- Content: Mix Story, Value and Proof. Share your learnings and growth.
- Engagement: Connect with other in your industry, comment on their content and re-share
- Give away all your secrets. People are lazy, even if you give them the recipe, they'll still buy the ready made cake
- Do an audit of your account. Ask others to review it for you, learn from input and improve
- Use automation tools
How stay relevant and increase your employability through constant learning:
- Keep learning, up-skilling or re-skilling
- Dare to go outside your comfort zone
- You can use LinkedIn Courses to learn a lot of different things
- Learn from others:
- 1) Follow 5-10 people who are experts in areas you want to learn more about
- 2) Collaborate with others who have complementary skills to yours
- 3) Sign up for personal newsletters (increasingly becoming a thing)
- Learn fast on the go by leveraging AI
- Schedule time for learning
- Learn and get inspiration from different generations and ages
- Learn soft skills as well as hard skills
- Curiosity, mindset and skills first mentality is key to have
- Get a coach that’s an expert in the field you want to learn about
- Spend time with who you want to learn from
- Set personal goals and complement with skills you need to grow
- Hold yourself accountable and never stop learning
- Allow yourself to be creative and make space for creativity
Excersise: Write down a day in your life in 5 years - then start upskilling and reskilling towards it!
Music for your workday:
Followed & recommended by our community:
- Jacksontips on TikTok - for content strategies & tips
- Thejamiebrindle on TikTok - for practical freelancing tips to help you build a profitable client base
- Chatgptmastery on Instagram - for tips & tricks for ChatGPT and other top AI tools
- Techie_programmer on Instagram - for AI and other tech tips
- Hanna Larsson on LinkedIn - for personal branding & go-to-market tips (also has a recommended newsletter)
Articles created and recommended by the community:
- Create a relationship with your client by Upbeater.X
- "Hitta din unika stil" by Clara Nordlander Wiberg, co-founder at Upbeater (in Swedish)
- Hur skapar man work/life balance under det nya året?" by Clara Nordlander Wiberg, co-founder at Upbeater (in Swedish)
Podcasts created and recommended by the community:
- "The Freelance Podcast" by BeingFreelance
- Frilanslivet's Podcast (Swedish)
- Jornalistförbundet's Frilanspod (Swedish)
- My Daily Business Podcast
Vlogs created and recommended by the community:
- Kurzgesagt on Youtube - for Animation and Impact Video Inspiration
- 67 POWERFUL online services that will make your life easier - by TechnoLingus on Youtube
Newsletters created and recommended by the community:
- Free Trends Newsletter by The Content Architects
- Learn copywriting for LinkedIn & personal branding by Copylollo
Key freelance skills to develop according to the community:
- AI
- Time management
- Sales (spend at least 1/3 of your time on sales and marketing and aim to have at least 5 sales meeting/week)
- Marketing & communication (how to package & sell yourself)
- Specific tools like AI for your work like Microsoft copilot, Chatgpt, Midjourney, Runway, Public speaking, VR and how to stay physically and mentally health
Learning platforms used and recommended by the community:
Tools used and recommended by the community:
- Perplexity.ai - alternative to Chat GPT. Ask questions & know the source behind the answer
- TinyWow - Create PDFs, videos, images and more for Free
- Smarterqueue - Social Media automation tool
- Notion - Turn ideas into action with Notion’s AI-powered workspace
- Toggl - for time tracking
- Xena - your company's new AI executive assistant
Tools to build your portfolio:
Want to learn more?
Start & succeed as a freelancer
Are you new to freelancing? Maybe you're thinking about starting, or you just started? Then this workshop is for you!
You'll learn the pros and cons of entering the freelancing market, get a clear action plan for how to get started and concrete tips for how to succeed.
Freelance Preparation Workshop
When you've decided to start, this workshop will help you develop 3 key things you should have before you start freelancing:
- A clear goal
- An attractive offer
- A reasonable price
Full course
Freelance Foundation Course
Our Freelance Foundation Course will teach you the 10 most important things every freelancer need to succeed! You'll learn how to set clear goals, develop an attractive offer, build your personal brand, how to attract clients and close deals as well as how to manage clients, projects and yourself sustainably and more!
Price: 3990 sek / €399
Incl. all 10 modules + Freelance Plan + Certificate
Module 1/10
Set Up & Manage Your Own Freelance Business
Learn how to run a freelancing business (in Sweden) from an operational perspective and how to best manage the admin work.
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Module 2/10
Set a Clear Vision & Goals
Get the tools needed to identify and set your freelancing goals (your vision) and to clarify your purpose (your why).
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Module 3/10
Establish Your Freelance Brand
Learn how personal branding can help you stand out from the crowd, and how you can shape your own freelance identity.
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Module 4/10
Develop an Attractive Offer
Learn how to create attractive offer that adds value to your audience and make them want to work with you.
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Module 5/10
Price & Position Your Offer
You'll learn how to price your offer in a way that attract the right clients, as well as how to position it on the market.
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Module 6/10
Create Awareness & Generate Interest
Learn how to utilize different media and strategies to make your target audience aware of your offer.
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Module 7/10
Prospect & Find Potential Clients
Learn how to identify relevant prospects, present your offer, negotiate, and ultimately closing the deal.
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Module 8/10
Handle Negotiation &
Close the Deal
When you've gotten a client on the hook, it's all about sealing the deal. You'll learn how to get your prospect to say YES!
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Module 9/10
Manage Projects & Clients
Learn how to structure your projects and set expectations that fosters great collaborations and client relationships.
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Module 10/10
Lead Yourself Sustainably
Develop the ability to lead yourself, to be resourceful, and to find sustainable ways to motivate and manage yourself.
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Looking for deals?

20% off co-living & co-working in Lisbon
Get your own room with desk and shared common spaces in Upbeater's spacious apartment in sunny Lisbon.
Member price = €40/night

Free, ready-made Aktiebolag from Wint
(Sweden only)
Wint offers all Upbeaters a Free, ready made Aktiebolag!
On top of that you get your first month accounting for free, no start fee + 30 minute free advisory meeting on how to start. (value 5000 sek)

Automated accounting for Swedish AB's - 1 month free + no start fee
Wint is a full-service bookkeeping solution offering fully automated accounting for Swedish AB's.
Sign up with Wint through Upbeater and get 1st month for free and no start fee! (value 5000 sek)

Looking for a deal that's not yet on our list?
Tell us, and we'll do our best to get you a sweet deal with your favorite freelance brand, product or service!
Wanna learn & network?

Upcoming event: Upbeater Talk & Discussion
With: Freelancer Anders Tallvik
About: How to attract a new type of client that is better alined with your business vision, mission & objectives.
Format: Q&A + Facilitated discussion ☀️
📅 Nov 12, 09.00-09.45 am CET
📍 Online in Google Meets

Upcoming event: Webinar
With: Upbeater partner Wint.se
About: Så maxar du 2024 års utdelning från ditt AB med Wint's skatteexpert Anders Nilsson (in Swedish only)
Format: Presentation + Q&A
📅 Nov 14, 12.00-12.45 am CET
📍 Online





Sales Support

Want help to get more clients? Then our Grow package is for you!
You'll get coaching, training, first access to Upbeater jobs, invitation to recruitment event, etc.
Admin support

Want help with your business admin such as contracts, invoices, payouts and other financial, legal and operational to-do's?
Then our Scale package is for you!

EVENT: Upbeater Talks with speaker Mikaela Aare
TOPIC: How to truly stand out from the competition
WHEN: April 25, 12.00-13.00 CET
WHERE: Online in Google Meets
HOST: Upbeater
More info, RSVP & attend event here

EVENT: Co-working Fridays
TOPIC: Work on your own thing but together with other freelancers
WHEN: Weekly on Fridays at 10:00-12:00 CET
WHERE: Online in Discord
HOST: Upbeater
More info and RSVP here
Want help with your sales & admin?
⭐ Most Popular ⭐
- Everything in Start (you're here)
- Coaching sessions
- Sales training & support
- Exposure to 1000+ companies
- Exclusive recruitment events
- Everything in Start (you're here)
- 1 invoice/month for free*
- Contract templates
- Admin & operational support
- Insurance
- Exclusive community events
Want help to grow your business?

Social Media Management
- One channel of choice (LI or IG)
- Tonality and visual look
- 8 posts/month
- Schedule & publish the posts
- Monthly summary & report

Lead generation & Outreach
- Sales Pitch & Ideal Client Profile
- Finding 75-100 potential clients/mo
- Qualifying & nurturing 20+/mo
- 4 x follow ups if No reply
- Monthly summary & report
Want to learn more?
Freelance Preparation Workshop
This preparation workshop will help you develop 3 key things you should have before you start freelancing:
- A clear goal
- An attractive offer
- A reasonable price
Full course
Freelance Foundation Course
Our Freelance Foundation Course will teach you the 10 most important things every freelancer need to succeed!
Price: 3990 sek / €399
Incl. all 10 modules and certification
Module 3/10
Establish Your Freelance Brand
Learn how personal branding can help you stand out from the crowd, and how you can shape your own freelance identity.
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Module 5/10
Price & Position Your Offer
You'll learn how to price your offer in a way that attract the right clients, as well as how to position it on the market.
Price: 399 sek / €39
Incl. video, examples & template
Still Need help?

Book a 1-1
- Get matched with an advisor
- Personalized guidance
- 40 min session
- Plan for next steps